Java applications are usually in .jar format. We know that renaming the jar file from the computer will not change the name of the application. When we transfer the file to mobile, it will appear as unchanged. This is because the application name and other details are inside the jar file. Steps to follow to change the name of java application are given below.
I’ve taken Opera Mini browser as sample to explain this.
Step 1: Open the jar file using winrar
Step2: Go to ‘META-INF’ folder and open the ‘MANIFEST.MF’ using any text editor
Step3: Then find the line ‘MIDlet-Name’ in that text file. There you can see the current name of the application.
Now change it to whatever you want. That’s it. Now transfer that app to mobile and see the changes.
You can also change the icon of that app. Just replace the i.png file with new icon file.
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